Home » French Open 2021: Shesar Hiren Rhustavito passes to the second round

French Open 2021: Shesar Hiren Rhustavito passes to the second round

by Ainsley Ingram

KlikANGGARAN – Indonesian men’s singles player Shesar Hiren Rhustavito managed to qualify for the second round of Roland-Garros 2021 or Roland-Garros after beating Canadian representative Brian Yang on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at Pierre De Courbertin stadium, Paris, France.

Vito, a call from Shesar Hiren Rhustavito won back-to-back games 21-17, 21-16 in 35 minutes.

At the start of the second game Vito, a call from Shesar Hiren Rhustavito was left out, but managed to turn things around and close the second game with a score of 21-16.

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“But in the first second game, I was carried away by the rhythm of the opponent’s play and tried to turn things around with my own game. In the end, I was able to lead the game and finish well”, Vito said as written on the PBSI Instagram account @ badminton.ina

Vito said the victory over the Canadian single was due to his studying the opponent’s play style. The player born in Sukoharjo, Central Java, was wary of the counterattacks that characterize Brian Yang’s game.

“What I learned from him is the type of game that relies on counter attacks, I have to beware of his attacks,” said Vito.

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In the BWF World Tour Super 750 tournament with a total prize of $ 600,000, Indonesia fielded one men’s singles, one women’s singles, two ladies’ doubles, two mixed doubles and four men’s doubles.
At the time of this news, the other Indonesian players had not yet competed.

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