Home » Canadian News Anchor Gets Rude Email on Air: ‘No, I’m Not Pregnant’

Canadian News Anchor Gets Rude Email on Air: ‘No, I’m Not Pregnant’

by Rex Daniel


Just because you say something behind a computer screen doesn’t mean you can say whatever you want and get away with being an idiot. In case anyone needs that reminder today, here’s a TikTok video from a news reporter She addressed an email she received from a viewer who sarcastically congratulated her on her “pregnancy.”

“So I can simply reply to an email I just received: ‘Congratulations on your pregnancy!’ “When you wear old bus driver pants, you have to expect emails like this,” she read on TV. “Well, thank you very much for that.”

Seriously? “Old bus driver pants?” Who writes something like that? anyone, let alone someone just trying to do their job? Whoever wrote this email had better get some money for Christmas, this year and every year, until they personally apologize to this poor woman.

And that wasn’t even the end of the video. She continued.

She continued, “Um, no, I’m not pregnant. I actually lost my uterus to cancer last year and this is what women my age look like. So if it offends you, that’s unfortunate. Think about the emails you send.”

Honestly, that’s the perfect message. The Is what women look like, because she looks completely normal and good. In what world would someone believe she was pregnant? And people Do They need to think about the emails they send because if you send an email like that, your only purpose is to ruin someone’s day. Do you really have nothing better to do with your life? How sad and bored are you? Really, for the good of humanity and your own sad, pathetic soul, take up a hobby or a job. Please.

Here’s hoping whoever sent this email has a better day because I can’t even imagine how unhappy someone must be saying these words to another human being. And you look great to this newscaster. You have more poise, grace and class than I would in this situation and that is something to be proud of.

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