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Sir Cliff Richard is still the king of the musical calendar table

by Edwin Robertson

When We know The second season of the hit game Squid is coming, indicating that Netflix already has large-scale plans for the series.

In a new interview Korean broadcaster KPS, Writer / Director Hwang Dong-hyuk commented on the current state of negotiations with Netflix:

“I am in talks with Netflix about seasons 2 and 3,” he said. “We are going to finish. [some] Coming soon. “

If you’re surprised that Netflix, known for canceling shows after a season or 2, is already talking about Game Squid Season 3, you don’t see the extent of its success.

The last tally for Squid Game Season 1 was 2.2 billion hours of streaming. The Witcher, one of Netflix’s greatest series, has played 434 million hours. I believe second place runner-up Bridgerton was 625 million streaming hours in Season 1. In short, nothing else in Netflix history comes closer to Squid Game Season 1.

Assuming Netflix will produce as much as Season 2 (even though viewership has halved, it will still be its biggest show by far), and they’ll talk to Hwang Dong-hyuk about the long haul. While writing the second season, he was hired to plan it. If you know you have a blank slate for the next three, four, or five seasons, it allows you to script to fit those long curves. And on the Netflix page, they know that if they can fight Hwang Dong-hyuk for another 2-3 years instead of another year, they’ll have the ability to successfully build their squad.

Hwang Dong-hyuk spoke a bit about the possible ideas for Season 2, which was a bit difficult as a lot of the cast died at the end of Season 1. The main ideas we’ve heard so far are:

“If I do something – something will be a Friendman story [a former cop who now oversees the game]. I think the problem with the police is not just a problem in Korea. I saw it on the world news. This is a question I would like to raise. I will talk more about this in the second season.

Then the star of the series (small spoilers) confirmed his return:

“Ki-Han will come back and he will do something for the world.”

It’s unclear how the next seasons of the Squid Game will unfold. Almost a decade after Hwang Dong-hyuk Squid wrote and created the game, Netflix is ​​now expecting a new season every year or two. There is no release date for Squid Game Season 2 yet, but I’d be surprised to see this earlier than Spring 2023. September 2021 certainly won’t be a consistent year after launch.

More info to come, but be prepared for more squid games in the future.

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