Home » It’s all wrong: why Kostornaya is Tutberidze’s most problematic figure skater

It’s all wrong: why Kostornaya is Tutberidze’s most problematic figure skater

by Edwin Robertson

The Olympic season has not started well for the Tutberidze group. Some athletes have injuries, others have discipline issues. Yes, it’s hard to believe, but there are figure skaters in “Khrustalny” who don’t take the issue seriously enough. One of them (apparently the only one) is Alena Kostornaya. The day before, Daniil Gleichengauz walked quite hard in his room. What did the choreographer not like? Is the reigning champion burying her Olympic prospects on her own? Agreement.

Kostorna is no longer the one

Kostornaya is going through difficult times. The crisis that started with the reigning European champion last season continues to this day. Yes, compared to the last year of competition, Kostornaya has made little progress – she has finally made the triple axis. But the level of skiing and, therefore, the results are still poor. In two consecutive tournaments, Alena stopped in third place with unusually low scores for herself. In addition, the score fell not only for the technique, but also for the components. Two years ago, it was impossible to imagine that Elizaveta Tuktamysheva would ever beat Kostornaya in the second estimate. Today it is a reality.

Alena kostornayaSergey Bobylev / TASS

It is obvious that Kostornaya is not in the best shape at the moment. It’s not the same Alena at all, who two seasons ago crushed everyone in her path. Everyone understands it: coaches, experts and fans. By the way, about the fans. Until recently, the story was actively promoted on the web that Kostornaya’s unsuccessful start to the season was associated with the indifference of the coaching staff. They say they have absolutely no time for Alena. The Tutberidze group has found an answer to this question.

“Thank goodness Alena goes to all the workouts”

In the last interview, Daniil Gleikhengauz made it clear that he (hence, Tutberidze and Dudakov) was not satisfied with the skater’s attitude towards the training process.

Discussing the form of the current European champion, he noted that the coaching staff does not need words of gratitude from Alena (this is a reaction to the publication of the skater on Instagram, which she posted after the Grand Prix stop in Canada), but the athlete has to show the maximum. However, this maximum is not there, because there is a frivolous attitude towards business. And Gleichengauz’s phrases like “The number of rentals doesn’t match the rest of the athletes in the squad,” “Thank goodness Alena goes to all training. Virtually, “I can’t get into his head” – they all clearly hint at possible discipline issues.

Alena hurts herself

Alena has never been an exemplary skater in the most primitive sense of the term. She stood out in the Tutberidze group by her release, her openness, her character (the post deleted after Gleichengauz’s words of gratitude is an important confirmation of this). All these facets of Kostornaya were revealed with particular force after his departure from the Tutberidze group. During the Plushenko period of her career, she often complained about Tutberidze’s harsh training methods and admired the freedom and humanity she sees in the new team. Certainly, after a few months, she fled this freedom and these paradisiacal conditions. It turned out that they didn’t drive her to the places on the pedestal.

Eteri TutberidzeEteri TutberidzeSergey Bulkin / NEWS.ru

Despite not the most pleasant accusations, Tutberidze took over Kostornaya. But with a number of conditions. Typical conditions for this technical staff. First of all, the triple axis must be turned over. Second, it is necessary to leave discontent and grievances with you and plow, plow, and plow again. Six months later, it can be concluded that all the requirements of Tutberidze have not been met or are not met to the right level.

It is not enough to work in Khrustalny, it is not enough to work well in Khrustalny. At Khrustalny, you need to give 250 percent every day, every workout. This is the only way to get great results in the Tutberidze group. Wasn’t that why Kostornaya was coming back? Didn’t she understand what rules of the game she subscribed to?

Knowing Alena and her wacky character (I want – I leave the group, I want – I come back, I want – I come to training, I don’t want – no), we can assume that the skater does not always work the way her mentors demand of her. Feeling sorry for yourself, being lazy, not exerting maximum force is normal and human. But if we talk about the fight for the Olympics, especially in the realities of the modern “figure”, all the emotions, thoughts, “wishes”, fatigue should take a back seat. Does Alena still want to fight for the Olympics? Isn’t it, Alena?

Alena kostornayaAlena kostornayakostornaateam / vk.com

Tutberidze will certainly have a Games medal. There are skaters in his group who are ready to plow, overcome pain, injury, in order to achieve excellent results. If Alena does not join the ranks of these skaters, then the train to Beijing will leave without her.

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