Home » CN and UP officials warn drivers and pedestrians | News, Sports, Jobs

CN and UP officials warn drivers and pedestrians | News, Sports, Jobs

by Horace Rogers

– Messenger photo by Bill Shea

A Union Pacific Railroad train crosses Fifth Avenue South in Fort Dodge earlier this year. Railroad crossings – the places where roads and tracks meet – can be dangerous, and the nation’s railroads are drawing attention to them during Rail Safety Week.

The crew of a Union Pacific Railroad freight train was traveling west through Webster County one recent evening at the same time a conductor was heading south on Samson Avenue. They met where the tracks and the road intersect.

The resulting collision could be likened to a car running over a soda can.

In this case, the demolished car was pushed several hundred feet down the tracks. The driver was injured but was able to speak to deputies and emergency medical technicians at the scene last Thursday.

This is exactly the kind of incident that Union Pacific and Canadian National Railways, the other railroad whose tracks run through Webster County, hope to prevent by promoting Safety Week. train this week.

“Everyone is responsible for rail safety and that’s why CN wants you to get involved and help us save lives. Stephen Covey, Chief of Police and Chief of Security for Canadian National Railways, said in a written statement.

“We all have a role to play in keeping our communities safe, whether that means acting as role models around trains and tracks, speaking up when we witness unsafe actions, or simply sharing safety tips. train with family, friends and colleagues,” he added.

The railways emphasize the importance of safety at level crossings and the dangers of trespassing on the tracks.

“National Rail Safety Week is a great time for families to sit down and stress the importance of being alert and distraction-free around train tracks,” said Connie Roseberry, assistant vice president and chief security officer for Union Pacific Railroad.

An organization called Operation Lifesaver used to sum up the key to railroad crossing safety in three words: watch, listen, live.

Operation Lifesaver urged drivers to look for flashing red lights, crossed arms blocking the tracks and the train itself. Trains are often closer and moving faster than they appear.

The organization also urged drivers to listen for bells at the crossing, the locomotive horn and the train itself. Despite their enormous size and high power, the trains are quieter than many realize, according to the Union Pacific Railroad.

Walking on the tracks is trespassing, according to Union Pacific and Canadian National.

Even being close to the tracks is dangerous as the cars extend three feet on either side of the tracks.

Drivers and pedestrians should be aware that trains can take up to a mile to stop, according to the two railroads.

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