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Salvation! This time the teacher, mother and friends are back with a chat History of basketball. Includes understanding, regulations, techniques, methods, parent organization, developments, examples and pictures so they are easy to understand.
Basketball is physical education that wants to play so the game must be able to include eye and hand coordination.
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Basketball is a sport where the game uses a ball that is played in groups and has five players on a team.
This basketball can be played in a closed room or in an open room so that it can be played easily so this game is much more competitive with such fast movements.
Basketball can easily develop because it is more innovative by having game strategy and it is easier to maximize the work of the members.
History of basketball
The history of basketball can begin in 1891 with a Canadian physical education teacher named James Naismit who had to play sports in the ring to become an alternative sport.
Here are two types of basketball history among them:
A. History of basketball around the world
On December 11, 1892, a sports expert from Canada had succeeded in creating a type of sporting game, basketball.
Thus, in this invention, it is an accidental sport by someone who performs a game in this open space capable of filling the free time of the players.
A New England youth organization that this basketball game will take inspiration from childhood in Ontario so that it may be considered less interesting in this game.
After that, on January 20, 1890, the basketball game could be officially organized until it took place in the form of a very popular competition among young people.
The match succeeded in making this basketball game a game which has some basic rules so that you can easily play.
B. History of basketball in Indonesia
The history of basketball in Indonesia began with the arrival of traders from China who won the type of basketball after independence.
Until that time, several clubs were established in the big cities of Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Semarang, so that they again developed at the provincial level which had many more members to attend schools. of basketball.
With Indonesia for the first time held a sports competition at the national level in 1949 in the city of Solo in the list of competitions at the national level.
Even though at that time the Indonesian team didn’t have a lot of players, they only had a few reliable players to bring the champion to 3rd place in the competition. and can make Indonesia proud.
This can happen because Indonesia has a secretary of the Indonesian Olympic Committee which later became a very large organization of basketball competition in Indonesia.
The birth of the NBA Basketball League
After basketball began to be widely known around the world, on June 6, 1946, a famous American basketball competition was born, namely the NBA event of the National Basketball Association.
Many historical references found basketball in 1892, but this game was immediately played with a special ball so that an NBA competitive event was found internationally and has now developed thanks to the development of the times. modern.
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