Home » TNI AL Modernization of Puspenerbal helicopter trains

TNI AL Modernization of Puspenerbal helicopter trains

by Edie Jenkins

Thursday, December 9, 2021 | 08:16 WIB | Writer

, Editor Untung S

Jakarta, InfoPublik – The presence of two units of the single-engine train helicopter Bell 505, starting the modernization of the training helicopter of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) Navy training helicopter (Puspenerbal).

This was revealed during the handover of two PT Bell 505 single-engine train helicopters. Atamora Tehnik Makmur in the ranks of the Indonesian Navy in the presence of the Chief of the Naval Staff (Kasal) Admiral Yudo Margono, on the apron of the Aviation Museum, Juanda, Sidoarjo, East Java, Wednesday ( 08/12/2021).

In an official statement from Dispenal, the Bell 505 training helicopter developed by Bell Textron Canada was handed over by the director of PT. Atamora Teknik Makmur, Deritary, by signing the report of handing over to the Chief of the Navy Procurement Service (Kadisadal) Admiral TNI Maman Rohman.

From Kadisadal, it was handed over to Admiral Kasal TNI Puguh Santoso’s Logistics Assistant (Aslog), then handed over to Puspenerbal’s Commander, Admiral TNI Edwin.

The delivery of these two new Bell 505 training helicopters will strengthen the capacity to produce reliable Indonesian Navy pilots. Previously, the Indonesian Navy had had Colibri training helicopters since 2002.

The presence of these two helicopters is ancient history. After almost 20 years, TNI AL has just had another new trainer aircraft and two helicopters are planned to be added in the near future, which are currently in work.

On this occasion, Kasal explained that the Bell-505 training helicopter is a purchase from the 2021 Navy, which will then join the Air Force 200 Air Squadron 2 from Puspenerbal.

According to him, with the latest generation helicopter from Bell Textron, which is fuel efficient and equipped with a series of sophisticated avionics, it should therefore be used to support the improvement of the qualifications of pilots and student pilots of the Indonesian Navy. .

“No matter how sophisticated the defense equipment is, the personnel of the crew will always be the determining factor. Moreover, with the principle of the Navy’s weapons, namely manned weapons, integration between personnel and personnel. “Equipment becomes very important. It is in this context that training aircraft have a central role to play in fostering the professionalism of Sea Eagle soldiers,” said Admiral Yudo Margono.

Kasal further revealed that aircraft as an integral part of the Integrated Fleet Weapons System (SSAT) have a very essential role and function, both as eyes and ears, as well as as expansion of the naval fleet.

With advantages in terms of speed and maneuverability, the air element can perform naval reconnaissance, anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, helicopter cross-landing, support and observation in the conduct of effective maritime operations.

The role of Naval Aviation as a component of the SSAT has advantages in terms of speed and maneuverability for it to be effective as a patrol force, downforce and attack force, supported by six functions, namely naval air reconnaissance, anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface ship, helicopter cross-landing, rapid logistical support and observation at sea as part of the conduct of operations at sea.

In addition to the handover ceremony, a helicopter ordination also took place, which began with the delivery of a jug from dancer Gatot Kaca, followed by the watering and breaking of the jug by Ms. Vero Yudo Margono , sprinkling the floral water with a seashell spoon and the opening of the squadron’s coat of arms by Kasal, followed by a punch in the helicopter.

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