When you spend the day in front of the screen, at the office or teleworking, nice to be able to take a break and have a look, through this window that is the Internet, to cities of other continents, to beautiful forests that you do not plan to visit or even dangerous places you would never visit (volcanoes, outer space … those things).
So we have put together a compilation of some of the most relevant live broadcast webcams on the web, so you don’t have to waste time searching. Remember that some of them don’t always broadcast 24/7, and they can be offline by the time you choose to sign in:
From VHS to STREAMING everywhere
Space out
- International Space Station: Occasionally, is broadcast from NASA it shows the ISS astronauts talking to mission control inside the station; other times it shows us what the Earth looks like from the external camera. Technical reasons require periods of signal loss.

La Palma volcano: RTVE Noticias maintains two live broadcasts of the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano which forced the evacuation of several populations from the Canary Island of La Palma: one of the volcanic cone and another from the area where lava falls into the sea.
Italian volcanoes: Although the world’s attention is focused on La Palma, our Italian neighbors have several active volcanoes as well known as Mount Vesuvius, Etna and Stromboli.
Mexican volcanoes: But all that is interesting about volcanoes is not in Europe; the Mexican volcanoes of Colima and Popocatepetl they are not far in terms of activity.
Nature and landscapes

Hawaii Beach: This streaming shows us Ehukai Beach on the island of Oahu (a landmark for surfers), with the relaxing sound of the waves in the background.
Loch Ness (Scotland): If there is a webcam that deserves hours of viewing the image, is this. Let’s not lose hope of seeing Nessie take a look.
Water wells in the Namibian desert: This camera fixed in a small well in the middle of the oldest desert in the world allows visualize all kinds of African wildlife Who’s going to drink: antelopes, leopards, hyenas, jackals, giraffes, wildebeest, porcupines? He has night vision.
Birds of the Mississippi River: The Raptor Resource Project has several cameras dedicated to observing the avian fauna of the Mississippi River. Two stand out, one focused on a passage area for migratory species and another located under the nest of a family of falcons pilgrims. Signal zoom and focus vary frequently.
Moss Landing Sea Otter Colony: This mobile webcam shows the daily life of a colony of adorable sea otters from a coastal town in California.
Polar bears in Wapusk National Park: This Canadian park is home to one of the largest polar bear breeding grounds in the world, and they have multiple fixed and mobile webcams that alternate for show both bear families and their environment.
Big cities and towns

Puerta del Sol (Madrid): Events, New Year’s party? At this point in Madrid, with the historic light of “Tío Pepe” clearly visible, something is still happening and it never hurts to take a look.
Times Square (NY, EE. UU.): The heart of the City that never sleeps, the setting for thousands of films, is also available 24 hours a day on the Internet.
Venice, Italy): One of the most touristic cities in Italy obviously has many webcams to follow its daily life. The most notable are, without a doubt, that of the Super chain, of the San Clemente Island located in the middle of the Venetian lagoon? and of St. Mark’s Square.
“The City of Santa Claus”: Rovaniemi, a city in Finnish Lapland (Arctic Circle) proclaimed “official hometown of Santa Claus”, broadcasts live the main square of the Santa Claus Village.
Henningsvær (Norway): Also emitting from the Arctic Circle, this fishing village in the Lofoten Islands is an occasional scene of the beautiful phenomenon of the Northern Lights, which streaming viewers will be able to see too.
Where can I find more live webcams?
In the world there are millions of things to see and I’m sure after reading this list you thought without a doubt there are many streaming broadcasts that could be more interesting than the ones listed here. So I’ll help you find them as easily as possible, by reviewing the main webcams directories:
MangoLinkCam: Directory of webcams dedicated to wild and domestic fauna.
Live beaches: This portal collects webcams located on beaches along the US coasts.
The view of surfers: Webcam compilation one of the favorite destinations for surfers around the world.
WorldCam: phone book urban and natural environments around the world.
Controllable webcams: Dedicated sub-reddit to publish webcams that visiting users can control (rotation, zoom, etc.).

“Coffeeaholic. Lifelong alcohol fanatic. Typical travel expert. Prone to fits of apathy. Internet trailblazer.”