Discs fly through the air at Newton Athletic Park during the 2023 Canadian Ultimate Championships this week.
Canada’s top Ultimate teams and players have taken over the Surrey facility through Sunday, August 20, with nearly 2,000 players spread across nearly 100 teams.
The junior teams started first on Sunday (13 August), the senior team will follow from Thursday to Sunday (17-20 August).
The two tournaments bring together the country’s most talented Ultimate Frisbee players in Canada’s largest Ultimate Showcase.
On Sunday afternoon, the opening ceremony was followed by a showcase game between the Vortex and Team Manitoba junior teams.
The national event is held in association with Ultimate Canada, the British Columbia Ultimate Society and the Vancouver Ultimate League Society.
“The championships provide an opportunity for athletes to show off their skills, connect with peers and celebrate the sport we all love,” said Danny Saunders, executive director of Ultimate Canada.
Match schedules, live streaming matches and other championship details can be found here published at cuc2023.ultimatecentral.com.
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