Home » PEI PNP ends the year by inviting 125 immigrants to apply for a provincial nomination

PEI PNP ends the year by inviting 125 immigrants to apply for a provincial nomination

by Rex Daniel

Posted December 16, 2021 4:14 PM EST

Prince Edward Island released its new Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) the results of the draws.

the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP) invited a total of 124 would-be immigrants on December 16.

Express entry and Impact on work candidates received the greatest number of invitations, combined they received a total of 114. The remaining 11 invitations went to Impact on business candidates with provincial marks of at least 67 points.

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This is the last planned draw of the year for the Maritime province. In 2021, Prince Edward Island invited 1,804 applicants, of which 1,697 came from the Labor Impact and Express Entry streams and 157 from the Business Impact stream.

The PEI PNP plans its draws for the year in advance. The draw schedule for 2022 has not yet been released.

About the PEI PNP Express Entry Category

the PEI PNP Express Entry Category is an enhanced PNP, which means it is linked to the Express Entry System. In order to be considered for this stream, applicants must have a profile in the system.

Express Entry is an immigration application manager. It processes applications for three economy class immigration programs: Federal Skilled Worker Program, Federal Skilled Trades Program, and Canadian experience class.

Eligible applicants get a Comprehensive filing system (CRS) for their age, work experience, education and proficiency in English or French.

Express Entry applicants who receive a provincial nomination receive an additional 600 points for their CRS score and are effectively guaranteed a Invitation to apply (ITA) for permanent residence in a subsequent Express Entry draw.

In order to be considered for a PEI Provincial nomination, Express Entry applicants must create an Expression of Interest Profile (EOI) with the PEI PNP.

EOI profiles are awarded points based on the province’s unique points grid. The highest rated applicants are then invited to apply via monthly draws.

Work impact category

The labor impact category is intended for foreign nationals who have a valid job offer in Prince Edward Island and who have the support of their employer. It is divided into three sections: Qualified worker, Critical worker, and International graduate.

Applicants in this category must also submit an Expression of Interest in order to be considered for a provincial nomination in the Labor Impact category.

Business impact category

Applicants in the Business Impact category must meet the minimum provincial score requirement in order to proceed with their applications. The score is different for each draw. The invitations that PEI PNP sent out for today’s draw were issued under the Work permit section, which is aimed at foreign entrepreneurs who wish to own and operate a business on the island.

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