Home » Pan American Judo Confederation will organize a training camp and seminar for referees in Lima | FULL-SPORTS

Pan American Judo Confederation will organize a training camp and seminar for referees in Lima | FULL-SPORTS

by Ainsley Ingram

In an unprecedented event, Peru hosts the Seminar and Training Camp on International Arbitration on Tuesday, April 12 and Wednesday, April 13 at Sports Center 1 and 2, respectively, at the Videna High Performance Center in the San Luis neighborhood.

The International Referees Seminar is led by the Romanian Florian Daniel Lascau, Director of Main Referees of the FIP and 8th DAN, and will be attended by judges from more than 25 countries, the same ones who will be selected for the next World Cups and Games. Olympic Games in judo competitions.

Lascau will announce the new changes to the judo rules during the Seminar which will take place in double time from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. “This represents a relevant event to give more fluidity and dynamism to judo matches according to the modifications and changes that are made after an Olympic cycle. The participation of the judges decisive for the progress and the end of the fights”, says Óscar Obregón Bedregal, director of referees of the National Judo Sports Federation

We must highlight the great investment and efforts of the Peruvian Sports Federation of Judo, so that this international seminar has great speakers. In addition to Lascau, the Argentinian Ovidio Garnero, director of referees of the Pan American Judo Confederation, will be present.

The judges who are part of the Pan American and Oceanian Championship Lima 2022, which takes place from April 9 to 17 in Videna, will participate in this international seminar, as well as a large group of international referees who will come to our country just to be in the framework of this historic event for national judo.

“We succeeded in bringing together the greatest representatives of judo refereeing in the world, the referees of the International Judo Federation. Exams for continental referees are ongoing and exams for world referees will take place next week.said the Peruvian Carlos Zegarra, president of the Pan American Judo Confederation.

A world-class training camp

On the other hand, the Lima 2022 training camp will also take place on April 12 and 13 at the Sports Center 2 of the Videna High Performance Center and will be led by two world-class judokas.

Canadian Nicolás Gill, current High Performance Director of Judo Canada and Olympic silver medalist at Sydney 2000 and bronze medalist at Atlanta 1996, leads the training camp with Argentine Daniela Krukower, gold medalist at the Championship of the senior world 2003.

This training camp is aimed at judokas and coaches participating in the Lima 2022 Pan American and Oceania Championships. There they will explain and demonstrate new judo techniques, among other technical aspects, on the tatami itself.

“It’s like a kind of integration and exhibition of judo techniques. There will be more loose fights and everyone will show judo techniques that will serve to continue to grow and improve”said Angelo Acosta, technician of the Peruvian Judo Sports Federation.

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