This Thursday afternoon on North American Leaders Summit (CLAN) in Washington, DC, United States, where Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), Joe biden y Justin Trudeau They addressed important issues and reached agreements on the economy, health, migration and security.
However, this meeting was not to the total satisfaction of the opposition figures, who from the start opposed it and even asked the Mexican president not to attend because of the disadvantages he had to face. presented in front of his counterparts in the United States. and Canadian.
To these remarks and criticisms was added that of the political scientist Denise chest of drawers, who used his social media to claim that AMLO does not use face masks in Mexico because, he argued, this decision is made because “does what he wants”.
However, he pointed out that in the United States, he made use of this sanitary measure because you are obliged to respect the sanitary rules, as well as other people with whom he lives in high-level meetings.
“In Mexico without a mask because you do what you want. In the USA with masks because they oblige to respect the rules and to respect others“Wrote the writer on his official Twitter account.
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However, the teacher’s assertions of Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM) against the National President didn’t stop there, as in a second tweet he pointed out that the photo that was taken with Trudeau without a mask on the Mexican enclosure mural on American soil took place because the Canadian Prime Minister did not want to “disturb AMLO”.
Finally, he explained that as CEO, López Obrador must set an example for citizens, especially with the issue of the pandemic; regretted that to date it has not been possible to witness it.
“On the steps in front of the murals, Trudeau wore a mask and took it off as a courtesy so as not to show / disturb AMLO. The problem is not minor, is to lead by example consistently and López Obrador unfortunately did not do so in Mexico, despite the persistence of the pandemic, ”he stressed.
AMLO was not the only victim of Dresser. A few hours later, the columnist also questioned the presence of the Under-Secretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo lopez gatell, in Washington.
He shared the tweet with which the official confirmed his presence at the bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, which was accompanied by a video where the Canadian president greets him and shows him his respect.
“It is an honor to be part of the Mexican delegation representing the country at the Ninth North American Leaders’ Summit, ”López-Gatell wrote.
Prior to this post, Dresser assured that is the maximum responsible, with the President of the Republic, for infections, deaths and hospitalizations that the COVID-19 pandemic this caused Mexico after almost two years, so “no photo, tour or summit will erase that”.
“The show must go on, although Lopez Gatell and Lopez Obrador are responsible for one of the worst responses to COVID in the world: deaths, infections, slow / messy vaccination, mixed / conflicting messages, minimization. No photo, visit or summit will erase this“Condemned the academic.

“Travel aficionado. Twitter scholar. Writer. Extreme coffee guru. Evil pop culture fanatic.”