Home » Monday December 6, 2021 (6:00 p.m. GMT)

Monday December 6, 2021 (6:00 p.m. GMT)

by Ainsley Ingram

This content was published on December 06, 2021 – 17:44



United States

New York is forcing the vaccine on the private sector, a pioneering measure in the United States.

New York (EFE) .- New York, the financial capital of the United States, will impose the anticovid vaccine on workers in the private sector at the end of December, the first measure of its kind taken in the country, where it has already been detected the first cases of the omicron variant of the coronavirus. This was announced on Monday by the mayor of the city, Bill de Blasio, at a press conference in which he specified that the vaccine will be compulsory for employees of private companies from December 27 and that it will affect around 184,000 businesses. According to the new municipal decree, from December 14, vaccination will also be compulsory for all children over 5 years old.


Italy extreme restrictions on those who are not vaccinated with the reinforced certificate

Rome (EFE) .- Italy is taking measures to contain the coronavirus from today with the new strengthened health certificate, which further restricts activities to the unvaccinated, in addition to increasing checks on buses, the metro and shopping areas, the main sources of contagion at Christmas. The new certificate, held by vaccinated citizens and those who have overcome the disease, will be necessary to access the interior of bars, restaurants, cinemas and theaters, but also to participate in sporting events, discos, parties and public ceremonies, until next January. 15.


Greece records highest number of covid deaths so far this year

Athens (EFE) .- Greece has recorded the highest number of deaths from covid-19 so far this year on Monday, and with 116 deaths it was the third highest number since the start of the pandemic. According to data released by the Public Health Agency (EODY), in the past 24 hours, the number of intubated people has also reached a new milestone, with a total of 714 people connected to ventilators, further increasing the number of people who are intubated. suffocating pressure from which they suffer. . The Greek government has shortened the timeframe for obtaining the third vaccine from six to three months, in an effort to reduce infections at a time when a large part of the vaccinated population has already lost its defenses and the rate of unvaccinated remains very raised.


The incidence of the coronavirus in Portugal exceeds 400 cases

Lisbon (EFE) .- The incidence of the coronavirus over 14 days has today exceeded the mark of 400 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Portugal, where there has also been a new rebound in hospitalized patients, increasingly close of a thousand. As of Monday 2,216 infections were reported, below the numbers for previous days, although the first day of the week typically contains the most moderate data as on Saturdays and Sundays fewer tests are performed and processed. They are higher than the infections the previous Monday, when 1,635 were reported. The country is waiting for health authorities to communicate their decision to vaccinate children between the ages of 5 and 11, scheduled for today.

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Zelensky: the Ukrainian army is capable of aborting any invasion plan

Moscow (EFE) .- The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, today assured that the Ukrainian army is capable of aborting “any enemy invasion plan”, alluding to the concentration of troops Russians at the border. Zelensky made the statement on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine after its independence from the Soviet Union. Ukraine accused Russia of concentrating between 90,000 and 100,000 troops on the border in order to attack its territory during the winter. The tension in Ukraine will be addressed tomorrow, Tuesday, at the virtual summit to be hosted by the presidents of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and the United States, Joe Biden.


Burmese junta reduces Aung San Suu Kyi’s sentence to two years in prison

Bangkok (EFE) .- Burma’s military junta today reduced the sentence against ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi to two years in prison, after hours before a court sentenced her to four years in prison. prison in the first sentence for the various lawsuits you face. State television MRTV announced this evening that Suu Kyi will spend two years under arrest in his current detention center, a reduced sentence after military junta leader Min Aung Hlaing granted him a partial pardon. Suu Kyi, who was arrested when the military seized power in a February 1 coup, has been held in a secret location in recent months, but at no time has it been suggested that she ‘she was in jail.


Scholz completes future government focused on pandemic and quasi-parity Gemma Casadevall

Berlin (EFE) .- The new German government coalition, under the leadership of Social Democrat Olaf Scholz, will be a slightly younger team than outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel’s last, and will focus on the fight against the pandemic. The coalition pact has the approval of the parties concerned. The Greens communicated on Monday the result of their consultation with the bases, who gave the yes by 86% of the votes; on Saturday, the Congress of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) supported him 98.8%, while on Sunday the Liberal Party (FDP) supported him 92%.


Spain to give up last debt issue scheduled for 2021

Brussels (EFE) .- First Vice-President and Minister of Economic Affairs Nadia Calviño on Monday announced that the government will give up the last debt issue it had scheduled for this year, so that the net debt issued in 2021 will amount to 75,000 million. “I want to announce to you that we will do without the last public debt issue of bonds corresponding to this year,” Calviño said in press statements before attending a meeting in Brussels of ministers of the economy and Eurozone Finance (Eurogroup). As Calviño explained, after this decision, the net debt issuance in Spain in 2021 will ultimately be € 75,000 million, 25% less than what the Spanish executive had forecast for the whole year. , that is to say 100,000 million.


Díaz assures that the labor reform will be ready this year “without a doubt”

Brussels (EFE) .- The Second Vice-President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, said on Monday that “without a doubt” the labor reform will be published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) before the end of the ‘year, as the Government agrees with the European Commission. In fact, he said he is already “on the starting track” for the publication of the reform. “Without a doubt. If you look at strand 23 (of the national stimulus plan sent to Brussels to receive reconstruction funds), practically all the milestones we have reached,” the policy said after being asked about it. ‘he trusted the publication of the labor reform. at the BOE before the end of 2021.


Begins “Stay in Mexico” amid doubts about the safety of migrants Ana Milena Varón

Los Angeles (EFE) .- The United States government resumes the “Stay in Mexico” (MPP) program on Monday amid growing doubts about its ability to guarantee the safety of asylum seekers, who will have to wait in the neighboring country countries for dealing with their affairs in the United States The program, one of the badges of the previous administration chaired by Donald Trump, was repealed by the government of Joe Biden, but a federal judge ordered its resumption, and since then the United States has been negotiating with the Mexican government on the parameters within which the initiative would be implemented again. Although the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has said it has made several changes to provide greater guarantees, migrant advocates do not believe this will be enough.


At least 22 dead, 27 missing in volcanic eruption in Indonesia

Jakarta (EFE) .- At least 22 people have died and 27 are still missing following the eruption of the Semeru volcano on Saturday, on the Indonesian island of Java, according to the update on victims and damage on Monday. local authorities. Heavy rains and pockets of hot air emanating from the volcano, which recorded a minor eruption this morning, make it difficult for search and rescue teams to try to find survivors among the eleven populations settled on the flank of the Mountain. In addition, according to the latest data update, 51 people were injured by burns, including 35 with a serious prognosis, according to a statement from the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB).


They free 3 other missionaries in Haiti and 12 remain kidnapped

Washington (EFE) .- Three other American missionaries who were kidnapped in October by an armed gang in Haiti have been released and are safe, while twelve are still in captivity, reported today the religious congregation to which they all belong. CAM). With the release of these three missionaries, there are now five in total who have been released. The missionaries and their families, including 16 Americans and a Canadian, were kidnapped on October 16 after visiting an orphanage on the outskirts of the Haitian capital. EFE

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