Home » Man wins female weightlifting. It outperforms competitors by more than 200 kilograms in squats, bench presses and deadlifts

Man wins female weightlifting. It outperforms competitors by more than 200 kilograms in squats, bench presses and deadlifts

by Edie Jenkins

A male strength athlete who identifies as female, supplies to the 2023 Western Canadian Championship Canadian Powerlifting Union: Anne Andres, 40, continues to win in the women’s category.

The day before yesterday, he – or she – competed in the category “Unequipped Female Mistresses”. On all three major lifts – squat, bench press, and deadlift – Andres outperformed top women over 450 pounds in overall weight.

This performance would have given him – or her – a first place finish in the men’s category, yes, if he – or she – had competed in the men’s category.

The Canadian sport of weightlifting has introduced a controversial self-identification rule allowing men to compete in women’s competitions.

Critics find it unfair that men are allowed to work with women. The association justifies its decision with an inclusive policy.

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