Unfortunately, a dismal religious prediction is added at the end
To the exhibitor:
In response to the press article on Quantum Dot Microbeads for COVID-19 Antigen Testing and Patient Tracking Using Cell Phone, as published in Engineering Dimensions Magazine, Sep / Oct . 2021, page 10.
I understand that the COVID-19 rapid lateral flow antigen test (10 to 30 minutes for results at home or elsewhere) is in use today around the world. For example, Germany has tests available from 60 different manufacturers that are approved, while Health Canada has 35 different test kits currently under review, but none are approved. Kitchener-Waterloo distributes Stay Safe test kits, and Health Canada offers similar test kits to employers with more than 200 employees.
The FDA declares the Innova Medical Antigen Assay Kit to be of no value, should not be used, and should be discarded. Despite this, the UK has spent $ 2 billion to purchase one billion of these test kits to detect asymptomatic COVID, estimated at up to 50% of cases of transmission. Some published research indicates that subsequent flow tests are as good as PCR tests in central laboratories, while other research indicates that they only have a sensitivity of 34%, and therefore misdiagnose two COVID patients. -19 out of three.
Therefore, I congratulate these engineers and scientists in Ontario for developing a new alternative COVID-19 test with a sensitivity 2.6 times better than current lateral flow tests. Well done!
Sadly, Satan will likely use this world-class Canadian technology to better persecute people under the 666 mark of the beast.
Glenn Black
Providence Bay
“Amateur web enthusiast. Award-winning creator. Extreme music expert. Wannabe analyst. Organizer. Hipster-friendly tv scholar. Twitter guru.”