Home » Durango Receives Limestone Permit in British Columbia

Durango Receives Limestone Permit in British Columbia

by Tess Hutchinson

Canadian exploration company Durango Resources has secured permits from the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources to produce limestone at its Mayner’s Fortune property near Terrace, Canada.

Durango may produce up to 10,000 tonnes

The area of ​​interest covers a 2km thick metasedimentary sequence that hosts at least six subparallel north-northeast trending limestone units.

The first limestone unit is said to have probable reserves of 454,000 tonnes of 96.3% limestone.

Representative samples from exposed outcrops show up to 99.9% calcium carbonate at surface.

Durango plans to conduct additional mapping in the vicinity of the fifth limestone unit, followed by trenching, test drilling and production.

This area is easily accessible via logging roads and has been surface mapped and surveyed for 1.6 km.

Previous reports indicated that limestone units one and three were of high quality and size.

However, Durango is interested in whether the fifth unit is of high quality at depth given its size and accessibility.

Marcy Kiesman, CEO and President of Durango Resources, said, “We are pleased that the Department of Mines has had time to review our paperwork and grant Durango the mass production permit.”

“Our geological team is currently scheduling a site preparation visit at Mayner’s, which will be followed by further exploration.”

The Company announced the discovery of limestone at the Mayner’s Fortune project in July 2019.

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