An intense mass of polar air is hitting Brazil, particularly parts of the south and southeast of the country, this week – however, it will not be the most severe cold snap of the century, as many may think. Find out what is myth and what is true on the subject, according to meteorologist Carine Gama, of Climatempo
* Intern of the R7 under the direction of Pablo Marques
Brazil will experience the most intense cold spell of the century. Myth.
During the winters of 2013 and 2016, Brazilians have already had to deal with temperatures lower than those expected to be recorded this week. In 2013, it even snowed in Curitiba and in several places in the southern region negative temperatures were recorded. In 2016, the city of São Paulo (photo above) reached 3.5 ° C.
“The forecast is that São Paulo will reach a minimum temperature of 4º C. So it will not be the most intense cold spell of the century – neither in São Paulo nor in south-central Brazil, in general. Temperatures this week , however, will be the lowest of the year in the capital of São Paulo. So far in 2021, the lowest value recorded by the thermometers of the city was 6.3 ° C, at the end of June “, explains Carine
The temperature can be lower than -15 º C in the southern region.
In the mountainous areas of Santa Catarina, temperatures between -8 ° C and -10 ° C. Areas in the southern region are not expected to reach -15 ° C or lower this week.
“This year, the town of Urupema (photo above), in Santa Catarina, reached -8.2º C. An even colder place was the Itatiaia National Park, in Rio de Janeiro, where thermometers marked – 9.9º C. It is an area at more than 2,000 meters above sea level, which greatly lowers the temperatures “, explains the meteorologist
The thermal sensation can reach -25º C in the mountains of the southern region.
Some points of the Santa Catarina mountain range, such as Urupema (photo above) and Bom Jardim da Serra, can have a thermal sensation between -20º C and -25º C. The phenomenon is due to three factors: temperature, wind and humidity.
“If there is low temperature, strong winds and high humidity, the thermal sensation can be much lower than the temperature recorded by the thermometers. In contrast, in humid places like the Amazon rainforest, where the temperatures are high and there is no wind, you feel hotter than it actually is, ”says the expert.
There is a risk of snow in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Myth.
There is no risk of snow in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Initially, weather models indicated a distant possibility of light snow in the Itatiaia region, but this was quickly ignored.
“For there to be snow, very low temperatures and high humidity are needed in the atmosphere – because snow is nothing more than frozen rain. In Itatiaia, thermometers must show less. of -5 ° C, but now the models only indicate a high humidity is available in the atmosphere as for snow ”, explains Carine
This week’s cold snap will last longer. Truth.
In general, this is true, especially in the southern region. Temperatures start to drop significantly on Tuesday evening (27) in west-central Santa Catarina and parts of Paraná and are expected to stay low until Saturday (31), with the possibility of snow and frost. In the Southeast region, the cold is not expected to be so long lasting.
“In this region, the lowest temperatures should be recorded on Friday (30) and, by Saturday (31), it begins to warm up slightly and gradually. Sunday (1st), in turn, there is a possibility of isolated rain in São Paulo, which will help to contain the drop in temperature, since the clouds serve as a “thermal blanket” “, explains the meteorologist.
Negative temperatures will be observed in Porto Alegre. Myth.
Thermometers will be below zero in several parts of Rio Grande do Sul, but not in Porto Alegre (pictured above). There is a possibility of snow in parts of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and severe frosts throughout Rio Grande do Sul, as well as in parts of the states of Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo and the south. of Minas, as well as Itatiaia, in Rio de Janeiro.
“Some of those points in Rio Grande do Sul where negative temperatures will be recorded are the Rio Grande do Sul mountain range, the north of the state, some central areas (like the Santa Maria region) and stretches of Uruguaiana, a city located on the border between Brazil and Uruguay. Porto Alegre, meanwhile, is not on our route “, specifies the expert
The Canadian and American governments have issued a cold alert in Brazil. Myth.
Experts use weather models from several countries in Europe, such as Germany, and North America, such as the United States and Canada. However, the governments of the United States and Canada have not issued any warnings about the cold snap in Brazil.
“People must have read weather models and interpreted that the governments of these countries made this warning, but it has absolutely nothing to do with it. You have to be very careful not to broadcast fake news,” Carine explains.
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