Unvaccinated Canadian officials will be asked to take unpaid leave
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, OTTAWA – Prime Minister (PM) of Canada Justin trudeau require all state or federal officials across the country to obtain the Covid-19 vaccine. If not done by the end of this month, then they will be asked to take unpaid leave (leave without pay).
In total, there are approximately 300,000 public servants in Canada. Vaccination in the country is compulsory for all people over 12 years old who travel within the country by train or plane.
“Vaccines are the most effective tool against COVID-19 and many people in Canada, including government officials, have done it,” Trudeau said.
During his re-election campaign in September, Trudeau pledged to fully implement the vaccination policy in Canada. Therefore, various measures have been taken to encourage its implementation.
To date, more than 80 percent of the population aged 12 and over in Canada have been vaccinated against Covid-19. More than 1.65 million cases of Covid-19 have been recorded in Canada during the pandemic and more than 28,000 people have died.
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