Home » Canada extends exemption from medical examinations for certain immigrants

Canada extends exemption from medical examinations for certain immigrants

by Naomi Parham

Posted December 28, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. EST

Medical gown and stethoscope above patient information materials.

The Canadian Immigration Department is renewing a temporary medical examination exemption for certain foreign nationals applying for immigration.

Canadian immigration, refugees and citizenship (IRCC) extends the Existing medical examination exemption on would-be immigrants applying to Canada until March 31, 2022. Public policy originally came into effect in June and was scheduled to expire on December 28.

When foreign nationals apply for permanent residence, they must provide an immigration medical examination or a unique medical identification number from their previous examination. This exemption allows them not to have to undergo an additional medical examination, if they have already completed it and meet the following criteria:

Find out if you are eligible for Canadian immigration

  • have applied for permanent residence and have not passed a new immigration medical examination;
  • have undergone a medical examination within the past five years and it has been determined that they do not pose a risk to public health or safety, or have complied with the obligation to report to health authorities for follow-up; Yes
  • have not left Canada for more than six months in the past year to live in a country on the federal government’s list of countries requiring a immigration medical exam.

Family members of applicants may be eligible under this policy if they are also located in Canada and meet the above criteria.

IRCC will contact those who are not eligible for the Public policy To discuss next steps, the Immigration Department said in a Press release.

The IRCC also writes that this policy helps streamline the processing of applications for low-risk applicants in Canada, while managing public health risks.

The policy is also supposed to promote faster processing of immigration applications. Although the IRCC has achieved its goal of admitting 401,000 new immigrants this year, the department is currently facing a huge backlog. The most recent figures indicate that almost 1.8 million applicants for immigration they are in the queue for permanent resident status.

Find out if you are eligible for Canadian immigration

© CIC Nouvelles All rights reserved. Visit CanadaVisa.com to find out about your Canadian immigration options.


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