Home » Brazilians value vaccination the most, study finds

Brazilians value vaccination the most, study finds

by Naomi Parham

Brazil is the country that values ​​vaccination the most among eight nations studied in a global survey carried out by the companies GSK and Kantar. According to the survey, the rate of Brazilians who felt it was important to keep their vaccinations up to date was 83%.

Vaccination is liked by 67% of Canadians; 65% of Italians; and 64% of the Japanese.

The covid-19 pandemic has increased the value of vaccination among Brazilians. Before the pandemic, 59% of them considered it important to keep this practice up to date, a percentage which jumped to 83% after the arrival of the new coronavirus.

Among Brazilians surveyed, 49% defend more information on vaccination, with explanations on which vaccines are recommended by health authorities, for what reasons and with what benefits.

Increased recognition of the role of vaccination has also taken place in other pandemic countries. In Italy, the percentage rose from 32% to 65%, between the period before and after the pandemic. In Japan, the index fell from 30% to 64%.

In the survey on vaccination, were interviewed in July and August, 16,000 people over 50 years of age in Brazil, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, the United States and the United States. Canada.

The Brazilians surveyed are also those who most emphasized the importance of health and well-being, with 85%. Next come the Italians, with 84%, and the Germans, with 80%.

Among Brazilians consulted, 88% said to get routine examinations over the past five years.

The survey shows a difference between the sexes in the recognition of the relevance of health. Among respondents from all countries, the concern was mentioned by 81% of women and 71% of men.

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