Jakarta –
Indonesia becomes president or G20 presidency in 2022. President of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin congratulated Jokowi for bringing Indonesia into the presidency of the G20.
“The G20 Presidency is proof of the world’s recognition and trust in our beloved country. I see that recognition because Pak Jokowi is great. So when asked why the world believes? Yes, the answer is only one, it is thanks to Pak Jokowi, “Cak Imin said in his statement on Monday (1/11/2021).
The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia said that the world’s confidence in Indonesia as a G20 presidency after Italy sparked the optimism that was built to rise in the midst of a leadership transition.
Cak Imin did not deny that he and PKB also continued to encourage optimism in building global confidence in Indonesia. According to Cak Imin, Jokowi’s struggle to enhance Indonesia’s reputation in the world is in line with the PKB’s struggle.
“PKB continues to strive and contribute to building global confidence in Indonesia. We carry out many international activities, be they political, economic and environmental. So when Indonesia receives the mandate of the presidency of the G20, that means Mr Jokowi is really PKB, he said.
Cak Imin hopes for momentum G20 presidency it can be put to good use by Indonesia. There are four universal principles that Cak Imin has said will be fought later in the G20.
First, the principle of equity and equality regardless of ethnicity and religion. Second, the principle of accepting and respecting a sovereign nation-state as a binding political system without propagating or pursuing a program of supremacy against other nations.
Third, the principle of accepting and respecting state law as a binding order.
“And the fourth principle is that Indonesia should also promote the world order based on independence, lasting peace, mutual cooperation and social justice. I believe that these four principles can be the door to world stability, and the key is Indonesia through the G20 forum later, ”he said.
The G20 summit includes the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Turkey, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan, China, Germany, UK, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Italy, Indonesia, France, Russia, plus European Union. Indonesia is also the only Southeast Asian country that is a member of the G20.
In fgeneral, G20 become a representation of the world economy and have a strategic position. G20 member countries control 85% of global GDP, 80% of global investment, 75% of global trade and 66% of the world’s population.
(rfs / gbr)

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