Home » Still viral on social media Hoax Two Suns on the border of Canada and the United States

Still viral on social media Hoax Two Suns on the border of Canada and the United States

by Edwin Robertson

TRIBUNJATENG.COM– Still viral on social networks (Medsos) which contains a chain message on the appearance of two suns appearing at the border of Canada and the United States.

This news is a hoax that went viral on June 27, 2020.

Now, hoax news is circulating again with the onset of a total lunar eclipse occurring tomorrow Wednesday (5/26/2021).

Narrative messages circulating as follows:

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“Today two suns appear on the border between the United States and Canada, one is the native sun and the other is the moon.

This phenomenon is called “Lunar hunter” and only occurs when the earth changes axis.

The moon and the sun were born at the same time, and the moon reflects the sun’s rays with strong intensity, reminiscent of the second sun. Share this! so beautiful! ! ! “

Meanwhile, the one who shared the post on the Twitter timeline was the @Ssekampung account. “2 suns appear at the border between the United States and Canada, the other native sun is the moon.

“Lunar Hunter” phenomenon The moon and the sun were born at the same time, the moon reflected the sun’s rays of strong intensity, reminiscent of the second sun. ”

2 suns appear on the border between the United States and Canada, 1 other native sun is the moon.

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