Home » Canadian judge denies bail of General León Trauwitz

Canadian judge denies bail of General León Trauwitz

by Rex Daniel

© Taken from the @LupitajuarezH Twitter account
According to the FGR, General León Trauwitz is accused of having protected and concealed the theft of fuel.

A Canadian judge on Thursday refused the release on bail of Mexican general Eduardo León Trauwitz, accused by the Mexican government of possible links with groups dedicated to fuel theft. According to Canadian outlet The Breaker News, during Thursday’s hearing, the judge ruled that León Trauwitz was to remain in a British Columbia jail pending his next court appearance, which was scheduled for January 26, 2022.

It is possible that on that date, the extradition request presented by the Mexican government, which seeks to blame León Trauwitz for his possible involvement in the theft of fuel from the Pemex facilities, will be resolved. The retired general has requested a deposit of 20,000 Canadian dollars to face his trial in this country for the crimes he is accused of in Mexico. He even declared that he would not leave Canada and that he would stay to live with his daughter. However, the prosecutor in charge of the case, Ryan Dawodharry, opposed the granting of this benefit, arguing that León Trauwitz would be financially and personally able to flee the country. Journalist Bob Mackin from News from the Breaker , announced that the general’s daughter is studying business at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, and is active in a social and business group affiliated with the Mexican Consulate. According to the journalist, during the hearing on December 22, the prosecutor said that León Trauwitz left Mexico in May 2019, accusing that there would not be a fair trial.

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León Teauwitz was arrested on December 17 by Canadian authorities. According to the Attorney General’s Office (FGR), the general protected and covered up Pemex’s fuel theft during the last administration. The general was deputy director of strategic safeguard at Pemex for the past six years and chief of escorts for Enrique Peña Nieto during his tenure as governor of the state of Mexico. León Trauwitz and around twenty officials have been denounced since March 27, 2017 by the quarrelsome lawyer Jorge García Adriano, representing three soldiers who claim to be witnesses of the crimes, because they were attached to the sub-directorate in charge of the general. However, the defendants were called to testify until January 16, 2019, already with the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and in full strategy against Huachicol.

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