The arrival of the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus was predicted by a Canadian startup on December 31, 2019 thanks to artificial intelligence. Already at that time, numerous cases of pneumonia in the city of Wuhan, China, were detected by algorithms, which immediately triggered an alert for the repeating patterns, which resembled the SARS epidemic in 2003.
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Because of this panorama, the council focused on data science Iluméo, in partnership with the Brazilian Society of Virology (SBV), developed the research method Delphi vaccines.
This dynamic can be seen in the substantial loss of respondents along the funnel. As the joint use of WhatsApp and news sites (a credible source) declines, so does in-depth knowledge about vaccines.
According to Delphi vaccines, the dynamics observed in the funnels, in addition to the different preferences between brands, is the difference in knowledge of vaccines, whether superficial or deep. The most progressive and uncompromising profiles tend to know them all better.
Whatever the political spectrum, the biggest tendency in choosing a vaccine will be that of deniers. The non-preference for a vaccine will be greater for non-negationists. This is proof of the relationship between the credibility of the vaccine and the perception of its quality. Even so, they preferably have smaller conversions.
Comparing the power of influence of the messaging app, the Ilumeo survey found that, of the percentage of respondents who did not reject any of the vaccines, 89% were using WhatsApp as a source of pandemic information, while that 82% used news sites. .
However, as the frequency of updates on these channels increased, the user became more resistant to some of the vaccines available. While for WhatsApp users that figure fell to 82% as attendance increased, the number of those who do not reject any vaccines and use news sites has fallen by only 2%, according to the. study.
Delphi Methodology
Developed by Ilumeo, Delfos is a brand tracking methodology for measuring the health and strength of brands, based on a series of widely recognized and validated theories in the international scientific community, playing the role of advancing business issues, evaluating points such as satisfaction , recommendation and loyalty.
“The central point that makes Delphi so innovative is that, more than just portraying the brand itself, this tool allows for an even more assertive assessment of the potential impact that the brand can have on business, allowing for more strategic decision and… also the management of possible crises ”, comments Otávio Freire, partner at Ilumeo.
The attributes assessed by the survey come from the personality and brand typology scales. The country of origin effect of each vaccine was also evaluated. From articles published in the health field, the vaccine confidence index and a scale of concern for adverse reactions were extracted.
“We do this by building a structural equation model, a set of different computer algorithms, statistical methods, and mathematical models that work together to understand the structure of the interrelationships between different constructs[unobservableorlatentfactorsrepresentedbyseveralvariables”completethecompanyanddirectorofIlumeoOtávioFreire[fatoresoulatormálúpresentio-vialo-spereospire”[facteursnonobservablesoulatentsreprésentésparplusieursvariables”complètel’associéetdirecteurd’IlumeoOtávioFreire[fatoresnãoobserváveisoulatentesrepresentadospormúltiplasvariáveis”completaosócioeheaddaIlumeoOtávioFreire

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