Home » The FPÖ shows where the AfD could go

The FPÖ shows where the AfD could go

by Edie Jenkins

Reading time: 7 mins

06/10/2023 08:33 Updated: 06/10/2023 08:33

In this country, the strong growth of the AfD is generating a lot of enthusiasm. But in Austria, the FPÖ is in first place in all the polls and has been in government several times. DWN columnist Ronald Barazon offers a prediction for Germany.

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In Austria, the FPÖ is in first place in all the polls

AfD leader Alice Weidel and FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl. Our columnist Ronald Barazon dares to make a prognosis. (Photo: dpa)

Photo: Carsten Koal

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