Home » Help reduce your pets stress during Halloween – Kelowna News

Help reduce your pets stress during Halloween – Kelowna News

by Tess Hutchinson

Dog-friendly trick or treating

The BC SPCA says Halloween can be a particularly stressful time for canine companions.

There are steps you can take to help reduce any negative impact from all the activity around the event.

While trick and treating is underway in neighbourhoods, Central Okanagan Dog Control Services recommends that dog owners keep their pets indoors.

Dog control says It’s not unusual at this time of year to receive a few reports of dogs being frightened and running out into streets, where they could be accidentally injured by passing motorists.

Dog owners should also ensure their license tag is attached on their pet’s collar or harness, just in case it accidentally breaks free when doors are opened to hand out Halloween goodies.

Having a valid license tag on a dog is required by bylaws as it will help reunite you and your pet should it unexpectedly get away.

The BC SPCA suggests keeping your pet in a quiet room with its toys away from all the activities, or to provide background music, a radio or TV to lessen any outside sounds, knocks at the door or ringing doorbells. It offers several other helpful suggestions for dog owners.

In addition it is important to keep candy, chocolate and wrappers out of the range of your pet as they could cause serious harm.

Residents of the Central Okanagan are reminded that across the region, fireworks are not allowed to be sold or set off, unless authorized by local fire departments.

Penalties vary depending on the local jurisdiction, but there’s also the safety hazard and potential for serious burns or injury posed by exploding fireworks.

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