Home » Sustainable Development Technology Canada Founder Receives Corporate Knights Distinction Award for Catalyzing Green Venture Capital in Canada

Sustainable Development Technology Canada Founder Receives Corporate Knights Distinction Award for Catalyzing Green Venture Capital in Canada

by Tess Hutchinson

TORONTO, June 30, 2022 /CNW/ – Founding President and former CEO of Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), Vicky Sharpreceived the 2022 Corporate Knights Distinction Award.

On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, Corporate Knights announced this year’s results The 50 Best Corporate Citizens in Canada during a gala evening organized at the Gardiner Museum in Toronto.

In recognition of Canada’s sustainability leaders, Corporate Knights announced the results of its Top 50 ranking, along with its annual Award of Distinction. The award is given to leaders who have made a substantial contribution to advancing the conditions required for a sustainable economy. This year’s winner, Vicky Sharpis the founding President and former CEO of Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC).

Sharpe has demonstrated his lifelong commitment to being at the crossroads of ecology, capital and innovation. At the heart of her efforts is the outcome for which she is recognized as this year’s recipient: catalyzing green venture capital in Canada. As CEO of SDTC, Sharpe increased the foundation’s public funding pool by $100 million in 2001 to more $1.4 billion in 2014 with a list of 280 companies, in addition to raising capital from the private sector to enable more than $4 billion investments for project and marketing activities. These investments have supported clean technology innovations in sectors ranging from power, oil and gas, transportation to agriculture, forestry and mining, while making Canada more productive and stimulate exports.

With nearly 20 years of service on the board, Sharpe has demonstrated a deep commitment to clean capitalism and from Canada innovation ecosystem. She is a founding director of: The Indigenous Infrastructure Fund Corp., The Capital Markets Regulatory Authority, the precursor to a national securities regulator, Alberta Enterprise Corporation – a fund of funds mandated to diversify the oil and gas economy of province and Carbon Management Canada Research Institutes a national network focused on a low-carbon future for from Canada fossil fuel sector. Vicky also sits on the board of EfficiencyOne, an energy efficiency service, and on the board of the Verschuren Center.

Previous recipients of the Award of Distinction include Adele Hurley (for fending off acid rain in North America), The deputy. Dalton McGuinty (for phasing out coal power), Hon. Gordon Campbell (for the implementation of a carbon tax model for the world), Mounir Sheikh (for championing evidence-based policy), Hon. Danny Williams (to convert fossil fuel wealth into sustainable energy prosperity), The Rt. Hon. Paul Martin (for advocating for the addition of natural capital indicators in the system of national accounts), and the late Maurice Strong (as President of the Rio Earth Summit).

SOURCE Corporate Knights Inc.

For further information: Emma Gammans, Corporate Knights, [email protected]403.478.4543

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