Home » Tereza Cristina can travel to China to pay for exports

Tereza Cristina can travel to China to pay for exports

by Ainsley Ingram

Agriculture, Livestock and Supply Minister Tereza Cristina sent a letter to the Chief Minister of China to the Chief Minister of the General Administration of Customs of China (Gacc, its acronym in English) and made herself available to deal personally with the cessation of beef exports to China. However, she is still waiting for a response.

The information was transmitted by the Minister’s adviser to Correio do Estado.

The embargo took place on September 4 and has been in effect for 1 month and 14 days.

This is the longest period of embargo on Brazilian beef by the Asian country. In 2019, also due to a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease, exports were suspended for 13 days.

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According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa), the suspensions were made in accordance with the protocol signed between the two countries, which determines this “attitude” in the event of mad cow disease. .

“Brazil has been completely transparent with the Chinese health authorities, informing of the possibility of BSE even before the official confirmation by the Canadian laboratory”, he added in a note, sent to State mail.

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