To carry out the study, the experts analyzed 300 samples from captured deer.
A group of Canadian researchers discovered a new line of covid-19 in white-tailed deer. Additionally, a possible first case of this strain in humans has been reported.
I agree with you Centers for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC), a “lineage” refers to “a group of closely related viruses with a common ancestor. SARS-CoV-2 has many lineages; they all cause covid-19.
the british newspaper The Guardian reported that biologists had discovered that certain populations of these animals, located in the northeastern United States and the central provinces of Canada, were infected with the virus.
In an article published on the website bioRxivwhich is currently being reviewed by other scientists, experts have revealed that there are clusters of highly mutated coronavirus genomes in the deer studied.
To carry out the study, the specialists analyzed 300 samples from these mammals that were captured between November and December 2021 in southwestern Ontario.
The strain detected does not resemble those currently circulating among humans – such as Omicron or Delta – because it genetically resembles samples taken from people and mink two years ago in Michigan.
In this sense, experts have pointed out that the deer can act as a “animal tank”that is, a living organism that harbors the virus.
They also assured that at least one case of SARS-CoV-2 in humans could be attributed to the new strain of the virus present in hunted deer.
To reach this conclusion, the lineage genetic material found in the deer was compared to the covid-19 cases of residents of the area.
Specialists found a patient with a similar strain, who confirmed having been in contact with these animals.
scientists, including Bradley Pickering of Canada’s National Center for Foreign Animal Diseases have not determined how the virus was transmitted to white-tailed deer.
However, experts have indicated that there is a very low probability that the vaccines used to inoculate humans will not have an effect on this strain.

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